Audio:QS120501.AIF C-box:This birdlike dinosaur raced through bushes, captured lizards and held them with its short forelimbs while dining. HiliteStopLoc:21,36; 92,36; 164,36; 235,36; 307,36; 378,36; 21,89; 378,89; 21,143; 378,143; 21,196; 378,196; 21,250; 378,250; 21,303; 92,303; 164,303; 235,303; 307,303; 378,303 LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:6 PaletteNeutralPic: A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Compsognathus*QS120502.AIF* Wrong 1:Oviraptor Wrong 2:Archaeopteryx Wrong 3:Pterodactyl Wrong 4:Corythosaurus Wrong 5:Protoceratops Wrong 6:Ornitholestes Wrong 7:Avimimus Wrong 8:Gallimimus GeoByte1:One of the smallest full-grown dinosaurs ever discovered, Compsognathus was about the size of a crow. GeoByte2:Tiny but lethal, this creature swiftly overcame and devoured insects, small vertebrates and reptiles. GeoByte3:Scientists think these "tiny dinos" may even have had feathers! GeoByte4:If this little meat eater were alive today, you could scoop it up in your two hands, but you'd have to be careful of its sharp teeth. GeoByte5:Scientists were in for a double treat when they discovered a complete skeleton of a Compsognathus. Inside its rib cage was the tiny skeleton of a long-tailed lizard. GeoByte6:The name ^Compsognathus^ means "elegant jaw." GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: First Pict Cast:["SQ120110.PIC", "SQ120210.PIC", "SQ120310.PIC", "SQ120410.PIC", "SQ120510.PIC", "SQ120610.PIC", "SQ120710.PIC", "SQ120810.PIC", "SQ120910.PIC", "SQ121010.PIC", "SQ121110.PIC", "SQ121210.PIC", "SQ121310.PIC", "SQ121410.PIC", "SQ121510.PIC", "SQ121610.PIC", "SQ121710.PIC", "SQ121810.PIC", "SQ121910.PIC", "SQ122010.PIC"]* VideoReward:SP120550.MOV Palette:#default QuestionMovie: EndVideo: HiliteStop:4 Glossary Start Glossary End